Weight Loss Surgery

With a multidisciplinary team we provide a safe and quality care so that the patient obtains the expected results improving their quality of life. Dr. Eduardo offers different surgical procedures, each one has its benefits and its characteristics. These should be considered first before making a decision as to which procedure is to be performed.

Bypass Gástrico

Gastric Bypass

A surgery that consists of two components.
1) Restriction: A smaller stomach is created with special staplers, generating a satiety sensation after ingesting a smaller amount of food.
2) Malabsorption: Where the path of the ingested food is deviated from the small stomach to a further part of the intestine, creating a bypass area of the intestine that limits the contact and absorption of the ingested calories. Today, Gastric Bypass surgery is the gold standard of all treatments used for weight loss and diabetic treatment.

Sleeve Gastrectomy

Sleeve Gastrectomy

An operation that has become the most performed surgery in the United States due to its comparable results with the gastric bypass. The difference is that the Sleeve Gastrectomy is less invasive and less costly, increasing the demand for it. It is a restrictive surgery in which the stomach is reduced removing 80% of it, leaving capacity for 20% of the food that previously needed to fill the stomach. It restricts the amount of food needed to feel satisfied, limiting calories and thus producing its effect of weight loss.

Gastric Band

Gastric Band

A restrictive surgery in which a band is placed around the first part of the stomach making it lose its elasticity in its initial portion, creating a sensation of satiety with a smaller amount of food. This procedure requires close follow-ups because the feeling of fullness is modified as the patient loses weight, and it is necessary to adjust the band by injecting liquid by means of a port placed under the skin that is connected to the interior of the band, inflating/restricting the passing of food, thus readjusting the restriction for the patient. The amount of adjustment provides the long term weight loss.

Mini Gastric Bypass

Mini Gastric Bypass

A very small pouch or reservoir is created generating restriction (less food required to produce satiety), this pouch is connected to a distant part of the small intestine (this limits the amount of calories absorbed) using only one connection or anastomosis. Besides weight loss this procedure also has the capacity to improve or cure metabolic diseases. It’s gaining popularity due to its reduced invasion in comparison with the normal gastric bypass.